Customer Testimonials

“I just wanted to give a shoutout to National Window Company of Green Bay for the excellent job they did installing replacement windows in our home. They really went above and beyond to make sure we got the best windows for our needs.

The team was super friendly and respectful during the installation process, and we couldn’t be happier with the results. Our home looks and feels so much better with the new windows, and we’re already noticing the energy savings.

We would definitely recommend National Window Company of Green Bay to anyone looking for high-quality replacement windows. They really know their stuff and are committed to making sure their customers are happy with their work. Thanks, National Window Company of Green Bay, for a job well done!”

– Matt L.

“The National Window Company of Green Bay exceeded my expectations. From the friendly and professional service to the efficient installation and high-quality windows, I couldn’t be happier. Highly recommend!”

– Ross N.

“National Window Company of Green Bay did an amazing job installing replacement windows in our home. The team was professional and knowledgeable, and the installation process was hassle-free. The new windows look great and have improved our home’s energy efficiency. We highly recommend National Window Company of Green Bay to anyone looking for quality replacement windows.”

– Randy N.

“It was really great to work with the team at National Window Company GB. They did a good job. Communication was consistent & their staff was knowledgeable & friendly.

I’ve recommended their services to family & friends. I highly recommend them.”

– Ryan P.

“Couldn’t be happier with my replacement windows, National window Company provided a product & a service exactly as they had described to me. My leaky windows and drafts in my house are gone, thank you National Window Company! :-)”

– Nicole B.


8:00am – 6:00pm

8:00am – 6:00pm

8:00am – 6:00pm

8:00am – 6:00pm

8:00am – 6:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

National Window Company
of Green Bay
1039 W Mason St #118
Green Bay, WI 54303
(920) 496-3131